The Spring Bear Hunt with Eden Ridge Outfitters is one of the most phenomenal hunts in country. This last Spring we saw over 80 bears in just 60 days time. Spring bears have the thickest hides and the hunter will see mostly big boars. Our preferred method of hunting the spot and stalk. We will watch grassy meadows and clearcuts usually resulting in several sightings a day. The country is steep and brushy, but we can expect to find the bears where the grass is out in the openings - similar to Prince of Wales in Alaska. Our right to use dogs for bear hunting was taken away in 1994 and the bear populations in Oregon have exploded since then.
The Fall Bear Hunt is much the same as the Spring Hunt except that we hunt the massive blackberry patches that grow at exponential rates here in Southern Oregon. It is very common to get both Spring and Fall bears over 300 lbs. About 50% of the bears we take are color-phased, most being cinnamon/red or chocolate in color.