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Columbian Blacktail Deer Hunts

The Columbian Blacktail Deer have a geographic range that spans from British Columbia all the
way to Santa Barbra County in California, and as far east as the Cascade and Southern Sierra
Nevada Mountains. So, with this being said these deer have huntable populations in Oregon,
Washington, California and British Columbia.

Oregon is very rich in deer density as far as the deer numbers are concerned. The Columbian
Blacktail Deer hunting in Oregon is one of The Premier destinations to hunt this secretive deer
species. The Columbian Blacktail Deer are also nick named “The Pacific Ghost or The Grey

Oregon is historically well known for “Jackson County”. If you research the Boone and Crockett
Record Book you will see numerous entries from this County. Josephine County, Douglas
County, Coos, and Lane Counties also have multiple record book entries as well.
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC would like to share with you the following information. We hope this
helps you have a better understanding of what Oregon has to offer as for the best Columbian
Blacktail Deer Hunting opportunities.

The Applegate Muzzleloader (128M) Tag is one of the most desired tags that Oregon has to
offer for Columbian Blacktail Deer. This tag truly has the best potential for a quality “Trophy
Class” type buck. Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC has been conducting this hunt for over the last 22
years with high opportunity at success. We have been running a 95% shot opportunity. There
are only two things that are 100% and that is death and taxes! Non-Residents will have to have
at least 14 preference points to draw this tag in The ODFW Big Game Draw. Residents will need
3 points to be assured a tag. Our hunts in 2024 lasted 1.3 days for our clients to be successful.
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC has LOP Tags and Guide/Outfitter Tags available for this unit.

The Chetco Muzzleloader (127M) Tag is another great one and is highly over looked. This tag is
much easier to draw and doesn’t take nearly the number of points as its predecessor. Super fun
hunt during the rut. Be prepared to sit all day. Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC has a Guide/Outfitter
Tag for this unit.

The Indigo Unit Muzzleloader (121M) and the Melrose Muzzleloader (123M1) are also decent
tags with shorter hunt dates. These tags don’t typically take many preference points to draw.

Oregon has some of the most incredible “Youth” deer hunting opportunities available for kids.
This shouldn’t be over looked because it’s a great opportunity to share the hunting woods with
our upcoming generation. On this hunt it’s not if the kids will shoot a buck but how big of a

buck will they have an opportunity at? This is truly an amazing experience to say non the least.
Check out our 2 different Youtube Videos with Donald Trump Jr and his son Donnie.


The “Western General Any Legal Weapon Season” runs from typically the first Saturday in
October to the 1 st Friday in November. Please check your ODFW regulations for detailed yearly
dates and changes. This tag is what we call “OTC” or aka; Over the Counter. The weather is the
biggest key and contributing factor as far as movement or feeding habits are concerned in our
professional opinions. Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC would like to make a suggestion to people to
hunt in the later part of this hunting season if you’re wanting an opportunity at a mature buck.
You should start to see rutting activity towards the very end of October or early November
depending on the year.

The Columbian Blacktail Deer Archery Seasons in Oregon are very liberal. During the “Early
Archery” season typically from the last Saturday in August to the last Sunday in September you
have an opportunity to overlap this hunt with an OTC Archery Elk. If you’re not successful in
harvesting a buck you may pick up your bow again in the middle of November usually sometime
around the 15 th or so make sure to check your ODFW regulations. This late season usually runs
to the 1 st Sunday in December and there a handful of units that could run a week later. Once
again make sure to check your ODFW Regulations for detailed units, dates and other up to date
information. This is a great opportunity to harvest a “True Giant”.

The Dixon Unit (122) Rifle Tag is one of the most recently added hunts that ODFW has to offer.
During this hunt you will encounter rutting/migratory bucks. This hunt will typically take a
resident around 17 preference points to draw and a non-resident should take 25+ preference
points to draw. This tag will only be available to non-residents every other year due to The
Guide/Outfitter Tag Allocation Program. Please contact Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC if you would
like an opportunity at this tag.

The W. High Cascade (119A) Rife Deer Tag is an under subscribed hunt. You could draw this as a
2 nd choice if unsuccessful for a Mule Deer Tag of your choice. Keep in mind you don’t lose your
preference points if you draw your 2 nd choice. If you’re looking for a backpack style type hunt
this is the one for you! You can strap on your pack with your provisions and get away from the
people in most circumstances. We have a couple of guides that absolutely love this hunt. Give
us a shout if this type of hunt is for you.


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Eden Ridge Outfitters operate under USFS Permits and BLM from The Wallowa Whitman National Forest, The Rogue-Siskiyou National Forest, The Umatilla National Forest, The Malheur National Forest, The Deschuttes National Forest, The Ochoco National Forest

 Coos Bay BLM, Roseburg BLM, Medford BLM, Vale BLM, Lakeview BLM, Burns BLM, Prineville BLM

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