Hunting Roosevelt Elk on the Oregon Coast is nothing short of spectacular. Certain areas holdmore elk than others. The Roosevelt Elk hunting information that Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC is about to share with you should help you make a sound decision on where to spend your hard-earned preference points. Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC also has a free application service if you need assistance. If you are uncertain on what areas to apply for feel free to give us a call.
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC also has become one of the most proficient, knowledgeable and experienced Roosevelt Elk Guides in Oregon. Having acquired some of the best hunting guides in the State of Oregon. The Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC team has the experience and knowledge of the areas they hunt are second to none. With that being said our guides were born and raised in the local areas that we pursue The Roosevelt Elk in. Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC has helped produce over 29 Boone & Crockett bulls over the last 22 years.
The following hunts are in our professional opinions are the best that The State of Oregon has to offer for Roosevelt Elk Hunting! If you are fortunate enough to draw The Premium Elk Tag in any of these units don’t be afraid to call us for help.
The Powers Unit Archery (226R) Tag is more than likely going to be one of the best tags in the state hands down. This is also the only controlled archery tag for Roosevelt Elk in the state. This unit has produced several bulls that will make the all-time B&C Record Book. This tag normally takes a non-resident at least 18+ preference points and around 3 preference points for Oregon Residents. We have a few ranches that we work closely with that provide us with LOP Tags and we also acquire The Guide/Outfitter Tag on occasion. So, if you’re an archery hunter I would highly suggest getting in line for a great opportunity.
The Powers Unit Rifle (226Y) Tag is a good opportunity for a bull. Just keep in mind that you are hunting in later November and those bigger bulls are harder to locate. This tag is taking around14+ preference points to draw as a non-resident and around 4 preference points for a resident.
The Melrose Unit Rife (223A) Tag is also a good tag. This tag has a very extended long hunting season. It’s the only draw tag that gives you an opportunity to shoot Roosevelt Elk in the velvet. The only downside is there is lots of private property and the timber companies usually shut the gates due to fire season. This tag is very limited and is only available to non-residents every other year because of the Guide/Outfitter Tag Allocation Program. This tag will take around 25+preference points as a non-resident and 13 preference points as a resident. We have access to LOP Tags. Be prepared to harvest your bull in January.
The Sixes Unit Muzzleloader (225M) Tag is the newest addition lately. With the season dates of being able to hunt these elk in the middle of October the Bigger Bulls should still be possibly rutting and with the cows still. Practice with your weapon and be proficient out to 100 yards. This tag will take 20+ preference points to draw as a non-resident and around 2-4 as is becomes more popular for an Oregon resident. Big bulls will be harvested on this tag. We currently have The Guide/Outfitter Tag and it’s available.
The Sixes Unit Rifle (225X) and (225Y) Tags are really good Rifle Roosevelt Elk Tags. These tags will allow you to hunt in the middle to late November. This unit has good elk numbers. Just keep in mind that with that November weather comes a lot of rain and fog so be prepared to lose possibly a day or two due to weather. These tags are taking around 8-11 preference points to draw as a non-resident.
The Chetco Unit Rifle (227X) and (227Y) are great tags as well. This is another great area with some tremendous bulls but the access to private is the key to the best bulls. These hunts are taking around 3-4 points to draw as a non-resident. Do your research and look at The Kalimiopsis Wilderness.
The Tioga Unit Rifle (224X) and (224Y) Tags are good elk hunts. Lots of elk but also lots of people. Fair number of tags given out yearly. You need to know your spot and be ready to shot the first legal bull you see or you may not see another Roosevelt Elk all season. These tags are not hard to draw. The Tioga Muzzleloader (224M) Tag is a little harder tag to draw. You will have to hunt hard as this hunt takes place after all the rifle hunts. Only difference is they have settled down a little bit. Make sure to keep your powder dry and be able to shoot straight when the time comes and make your shot count. Fun hunt with friends and family before Christmas. This tag takes 1-2 preference points to draw as a non-resident.
The Siuslaw Unit 20 is an over-the-counter general coast season rifle elk tag. It has some tremendous bulls in it if you can turn them up. Be prepared to get wet and see plenty of people.
The Applegate Unit 28 is also an over-the-counter general coast rifle elk tag. This unit is a realsleeper. Not many elk but there are some good ones floating around. Be prepared not to see anelk if you don’t know where you’re going. Most of these elk typically head back into California after the rut. If you're fortunate enough to draw The Premium Applegate Elk Tag make sure you give us a call.