“World Class Wild Upland Game Bird and Waterfowl Hunting”
Oregon offers many different various species of Upland Game Birds across the entire state of
Oregon. Upland Game Bird hunting is a long-known tradition of hunting opportunities to share
with the younger upcoming hunters to help teach them hunter safety, respect for the wildlife
that they pursue, family time and values.
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC has had the opportunity to hire some of the best professionals in the
business to help write game management plans. With 2 different (Ret) Biologists from the
ODFW to help assist us with game management plans and to also help identify and introduce
new ideas. This way Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC is certain to help protect the rich resources of
the ranches we have access to.
With all the various species of Upland Game Bird species in Oregon Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC
has acquired a couple of new ranches that will offer a very unique hunting opportunity for true
wild upland game birds. These ranches have numerous miles of creek bottoms with rock ledges
for the Upland Game Birds to use for cover and shelter. Our ranches currently have Chukar,
Hungarian Partridge, California Valley Quail, Mountain Quail, Ruffed Grouse, Sage Grouse, Blue
Grouse, Spruce Grouse, along with Pheasants.
There is also a chance to add waterfowl hunting to this package as well. The one ranch has a very large reservoir located on one of our ranches that holds waterfowl. The waterfowl also use the larger bodies of water along the creek bottoms to lay up and rest.
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC will offer a very limited amount of Upland Game Bird opportunities
to ensure that we consistently maintain a huntable population. If our Bio’s determine that we
have a bad hatch in the spring we will cut opportunity for the following fall. We will also ensure
a first right of refusal to our existing clients to keep their spots year after year so don’t wait to
book your trip of a lifetime. Once we are booked for the fall, we will create a waiting list of
clienteles wanting the opportunity to join us on one of our private ranches.
Chukar are one of the most prominent species of Upland Game Birds that we have to offer. This
last year in 2024 we were seeing numerous Chukar with 40-60 birds in each covey and there
were numerous coveys and it was impossible to count them all. The chukar are a very flighty
type bird and will put you and your shooting ability to the test. We will only be allowing a
certain number of hunters every year to insure of not over harvesting. This will allow to help
protect the brood stock and ensure of a good reproduction program for a year after year
hunting opportunity.
California Valley Quail along with Mountain Quail yet are another different species of Upland
Game Bird species that Oregon has to offer. The Valley Quail are absolutely thriving in numbers
in Eastern Oregon and are readily available almost anywhere.
The Hungarian Patridge also know as “Huns” are another upland game bird that Oregon has to
offer. These birds are very swift and challenging to hunt. The hunting season for this willey bird
also runs concurrent with the Chukar hunting season.
The pheasant hunting in Eastern Oregon is a very unique opportunity. The season dates for
Pheasants also runs concurrently with the Chukar and the Hungarian Partridge.
Oregon also offers Ruffed Grouse, Blue Grouse, Spruce Grouse, and the Sage Grouse. For the
Sage Grouse you will need to apply for a permit. The application for Sage Grouse opens on July
1 st and has a $4 application fee plus a 2$ permit fee if you’re successful in the drawing. The
results will be available August 20 th . You must have a hunting license and an upland game bird
Eden Ridge Outfitters, LLC is also now offering waterfowl hunts all over the state of Oregon. The
vast majority of our waterfowl hunting will take place on The Oregon Coast line. We live in the
Coquille Flyway and it’s very well known. We have vast amounts of birds and also a very
numerous selections of types of waterfowl to choose from.
The types of different Waterfowl that Oregon currently offers is Mallards, Northern Pintails,
Goldeneye, Mergansers, Redhead, Canvasback, Eurasian Wigeon, Gadwall, American Wigeon,
Wood Duck, Teal, Scoters, Scaup, Ring-necked duck, Northern Shoveler, Long-tailed duck and
the famous Harlequin duck.
Please use the following link to see the season dates and individual daily bag limits and
individual possession bag limits at: